Effective Load Carrying Capability (ELCC)

As part of the process to implement the Effective Load Carrying Capability (ELCC) proposal developed by the Capacity Capability Senior Task Force (CCSTF) and endorsed by the Markets & Reliability Committee and Members Committee on Sept. 17, 2020, PJM requires generation owners of ELCC resources to provide specific information about their resources. This information is then used by PJM as input into the ELCC model.

In addition, PJM will post results and supplemental material about the ELCC process on a regular basis.

Study Results

2026-2027 BRA ELCC Class Ratings PDF 7.9.2024
2025-2026 BRA ELCC Class Ratings PDF 3.13.2024
Preliminary ELCC Class Ratings for Period 2026-2027 through 2034-2035 PDF 4.24.2024
ELCC Class Ratings for 2023-2024 3IA, 2025-2026 BRA and 2026-2027 BRA PDF  1.6.2023
ELCC Report for December 2022 Results PDF  1.6.2023
ELCC Class Ratings for 2024-2025 PDF  12.29.2023
ELCC Report for December 2023 Results PDF  12.29.2023
2026-2027 BRA Data Files
The following data files are described in this document PDF
Assumed Resource Mix XLS
Hourly Load Scenarios XLS
Hourly Time Series Ambient Derate for Unlimited Resources Classes XLS
Hourly Time Series Forced Outage for Unlimited Resources Classes XLS
Hourly Time Series Output for Variable Resources Classes XLS
Hours and Weights for Performance Adjustment Calculations XLS
Info for Loss of Load Hours XLS
Performance Adjustment Statistics XLS
Temperature Bins XLS
Weekly Modeled Planned and Maintenance Outages  XLS

2025-2026 BRA Data Files
The following data files are described in this document PDF
Assumed Resource Mix XLS
Hourly Load Scenarios XLS
Hourly Time Series Ambient Derate for Unlimited Resources Classes XLS
Hourly Time Series Forced Outage for Unlimited Resources Classes XLS
Hourly Time Series Output for Variable Resources Classes XLS
Hours and Weights for Performance Adjustment Calculations XLS
Info for Loss of Load Hours XLS
Performance Adjustment Statistics XLS
Temperature Bins XLS
Weekly Modeled Planned and Maintenance Outages  XLS

2024-2025 Data Files
The following data files are described in the above ELCC Report:
Available Unlimited Thermal Scenarios: Years 0-10 ZIP
Load Scenarios: Years 0-5 | Years 6-10 ZIP
Replications LOLE: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ZIP
Variable Resource Hourly Shapes CSV   12.29.2023
200CPx2 Hours XLS   12.29.2023
2023-2024 3IA Data Files
The following data files are described in the above ELCC Report:
Available Unlimited Thermal Scenarios: Years 0-9 ZIP
Load Scenarios: Years 0-4 | Years 5-9 ZIP
Replications LOLE: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ZIP
Variable Resource Hourly Shapes CSV   5.16.2023
200CPx2 Hours XLS   12.29.2022
2026-2027 BRA Data Files
The following data files are described in the above ELCC Report:
Available Unlimited Thermal Scenarios: Years 0-9 ZIP
Load Scenarios: Years 0-4 | Years 5-9 ZIP
Replications LOLE: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ZIP
Variable Resource Hourly Shapes CSV   5.16.2023
200CPx2 Hours XLS   1.6.2023
ELCC Class Ratings for 2024-2025 BRA PDF  12.28.2021
ELCC Report for December 2021 Results PDF
The following data files are described in the above ELCC Report:
Available Unlimited Thermal Scenarios: Years 0-8 ZIP
Load Scenarios: Years 0-3 | Years 4-8 ZIP
Replications LOLE: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ZIP
200CPx2 hours for the December 2021 ELCC Results XLS   12.28.2021
ELCC Class Ratings for 2023-2024 BRA PDF  12.16.2021
ELCC Report for July 2021 Results PDF
The following data files are described in the above ELCC Report:
Available Unlimited Thermal Scenarios: Years 0-7 ZIP
Load Scenarios: Years 0-3 | Years 4-7 ZIP
Replications LOLE: Year 0 | Year 1 | Years 2-7 ZIP
200CPx2 hours for the July 2021 ELCC Results XLS
Weather Variables XLS  

Submit Your Input Data

PJM Connect WEB   Instructions: Signing In | Submitting Data | Dual Fuel Attestation PDF  

ELCC Data Submission Templates

Wind Templates
Onshore | Offshore XLS
Solar Template XLS  10.30.2020
Landfill Gas Template XLS  10.30.2020
Gen+Storage Hybrids XLS 10.30.2020
Battery & Flywheel Storage XLS 10.30.2020
Run of River Hydro without Storage Template XLS   10.30.2020
Hydro with Non-Pumped Storage XLS    2.9.2021
Pumped Storage Hydro Power XLS   2.9.2021