Markets & Operations

Formula Rates

Annual transmission revenue requirements applicable under Attachment H of PJM's Open Access Transmission Tariff PDF are updated periodically and/or annually for the upcoming year. The time periods for the respective company's service and rates are reflected below.

January to December
The Dayton Power and Light Company d/b/a AES Ohio
2025 ATRR DcoumentsZIP

Keystone Appalachian Transmission Company
Cover LetterPDF

2025 Projection: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Public Service Electric & Gas Company
Customer Meeting NoticePDF

Silver Run Electric, LLC
2025 Projection Posting Notice and InformationPDF

2025 Projection: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

South FirstEnergy Operating Companies
Cover LetterPDF

2025 Projection Summary Worksheet: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Mon Power - 2025 Projection: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Potomac Edison - 2025 Projection: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

West Penn Power - 2025 Projection: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Transource Maryland
2025 PTRR DocumentsZIP

Transource Pennsylvania
2025 PTRR DocumentsZIP

Transource West Virginia
2025 PTRR DocumentsZIP

Virginia Electric & Power Company
2025 Annual UpdateZIP

American Electric Power Service Corporation
East Operating Companies - Group A - FR 2024 Update (2023 True-up): PDF | Excel ZIP

East Transmission Companies - Group B - FR 2024 Update (2023 True-up): PDF | Excel ZIP

East Operating Companies - Group A: PDF | Excel ZIP

East Transmission Companies - Group B: PDF | Excel ZIP

AMP Transmission, LLC
2023 ATRR Customer Meeting Notice: AEP | ATSI | Dayton PDF


2024 PTRR Customer Meeting Notice: AEP | ATSI | Dayton PDF

2024 PTRR Dayton: XLS XLS | PDFPDF



2024 PTRR Narrative Zones: AEP | ATSI | Dayton PDF

American Transmission Systems, Incorporated
Open Meeting Notice - 2023 ATRR PDF



The Dayton Power and Light Company d/b/a AES Ohio
Transmittal Letter PDF

Attachment A XLS

Jersey Central Power & Light Company
Open Meeting Notice PDF


Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission, LLC (MAIT)
RY 2023 Annual Update Open Meeting NoticePDF


Potomac Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Open Meeting Notice - 2024 PTRR PDF


PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
2023 Formula Rate True-Up Adjustment Informational Filing ZIP

Public Service Electric & Gas Company
Annual Update October 2023 Cover Letter PDF

Workpaper 1 XLS

Silver Run Electric, LLC
2024 Projection Stakeholder Meeting Notice PDF

2024 Projection: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

South FirstEnergy Operating Companies
2024 PTRR Notice PDF

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO)
Annual Informational Filing PDF

Transource Maryland
2024 PTRR Documents ZIP

Transource Pennsylvania
2024 PTRR Documents ZIP

Transource West Virginia
2024 PTRR Documents ZIP

Virginia Electric & Power Company
2024 Formula Rate Annual Informational FilingZIP

American Electric Power Service Corporation
East Operating Companies - Group A - FR 2023 Update (2022 True-up): PDF | Excel ZIP

East Transmission Companies - Group B - FR 2023 Update (2022 True-up): PDF | Excel ZIP

Refund Report Supporting Documents: Attachments A-B | Attachments C-E ZIP

East Operating Companies - Group A: PDF | Excel ZIP

East Transmission Companies - Group B: PDF | Excel ZIP

American Transmission Systems, Incorporated
Open Meeting Notice - 2022 ATRR PDF

Revised 2023 PTRR: XLS XLS | PDFPDF


AMP Transmission, LLC
2022 ATRR Customer Meeting Notice: AEP | ATSI PDF



2023 PTRR Customer Meeting Notice: AEP | ATSI | Dayton PDF

2023 PTRR Dayton: XLS XLS | PDFPDF



2023 PTRR Narrative Zones: AEP | ATSI | Dayton PDF

The Dayton Power and Light Company d/b/a AES Ohio
2023 ATRR Updated Peak Load Cover Sheet PDF

Jersey Central Power & Light Company
2023 ATRR Open Meeting Notice PDF




Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission, LLC (MAIT)
Open Meeting NoticePDF


Revised 2023 PTRR: XLS XLS | PDFPDF


Potomac Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Open Meeting Notice for Rate Year 2022 PDF

PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
True-Up Adjustment Informational Filing ZIP

Public Service Electric & Gas Company
Annual Update October 2022 Cover Letter PDF

Workpaper 1 XLS

Silver Run Electric, LLC
2023 Stakeholder Meeting Notice PDF

2023 Annual Update: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2023 Projection (revised): XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2023 Projection: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

South FirstEnergy Operating Companies
2023 Amended Annual UpdateZIP


2023 ATRR Summary Worksheet H-11A: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2023 ATRR Template - Monongahela Power Company: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2023 ATRR Template - Potomac Edison: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2023 ATRR Template - West Penn Power: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO)
Annual Informational FilingPDF

Transource Maryland

2023 PTRR Template: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Transource Pennsylvania

2023 PTRR Template: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Transource West Virginia

2023 PTRR Template: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Virginia Electric & Power Company
Preliminary Challenges to VEPCO’s 2023 Annual Update PDF

American Electric Power Service Corporation
East Operating Companies - Group A - FR 2022 Update (2021 True-up): PDF | Excel ZIP

Appalachian Power Company: PDF | Excel ZIP

East Operating Companies - Group A: PDF | Excel ZIP

2022 PTRR FR Summary: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

East Transmission Companies - Group B - FR 2022 Update (2021 True-up): PDF | Excel ZIP

East Transmission Companies - Group B: PDF | Excel ZIP

2022 PTRR FR Summary: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

American Transmission Systems, Incorporated
Open Meeting Notice PDF



AMP Transmission, LLC
2022 Annual Update - Narrative Description PDF





The Dayton Power And Light Company d/b/a AES Ohio
2021 Annual True-Up ZIP

Cover Sheet PDF

Jersey Central Power & Light Company
2022 ATRR Open Meeting Notice PDF


Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission, LLC (MAIT)
Open Meeting Notice PDF



Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Open Meeting Notice for Rate Year 2021 PDF


Public Service Electric & Gas Company
2022 Annual Update Cover Letter - RevisedPDF

Work Paper 1 XLS

Silver Run Electric, LLC
2022 Annual Update Stakeholder Meeting Notice PDF

2022 Annual Update (True-up): XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2022 Projection: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

South FirstEnergy Operating Companies
Protective Agreement & Non-Disclosure Certificate PDF

2022 ATRR Summary Worksheet H-11A: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2022 ATRR Template - Monongahela Power Company: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2022 ATRR Template - Potomac Edison: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2022 ATRR Template - West Penn Power: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2022 PTRR Summary Worksheet: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2022 PTRR Template - Monongahela Power Company: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2022 PTRR Template - Potomac Edison: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

2022 PTRR Template - West Penn Power: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO)
Informational Filing PDF

Transource Maryland
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

2022 PTRR Template: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Transource Pennsylvania
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

2022 PTRR Template: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Transource West Virginia
Open Meeting Notice PDF


2022 PTRR Template: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Virginia Electric & Power Company
2022 Formula Rate Annual Informational Filing ZIP

American Electric Power Service Corporation
2020 True-Up Preliminary Challenge Responses PDF

East Operating Companies - Group A: PDF | Excel ZIP

East Transmission Companies - Group B: PDF | Excel ZIP

East Transmission Companies: Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement - Excel Files ZIP

Discovery Responses: Set 1 | Set 2PDF

American Transmission Systems, Incorporated
Open Meeting Notice PDF

2020 Annual Update: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement for Rate Year 2021: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

AMP Transmission, LLC
2020 ATRR & True-up Customer Meeting Notice PDF

2020 True Up: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Annual Update PDF

2021 PTRR for the ATSI Zone: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

2021 PTRR for the AEP Zone: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Dayton Power & Light Company
Cover Letter PDF

Cover Letter PDF

Jersey Central Power & Light Company
Open Meeting Notice PDF

2021 ATRR: PDF PDF | Filing XLS

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement: Customer Meeting Notice PDF | Filing XLS

Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission, LLC (MAIT)
2021 PTRR Informational Filing (Docket No. ER21-2072-000) PDF

Projected Net Revenue Requirement for Rate Year 2021: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Notice of Open Meeting PDF

Public Service Electric & Gas Company
Cover Letter - Revised PDF

Projected 2021 Transmission Revenue Requirement: Annual Update Revised XLS | Work Paper 1 Revised XLS

Cover Letter PDF

Projected 2021 Transmission Revenue Requirement: Annual Update XLS | Work Paper 1 XLS

Silver Run Electric, LLC
Annual Update Stakeholder Meeting Notice PDF

2021 Annual Update (True-up): XLSXLS | PDF PDF

Projected Net Revenue Requirement for Rate Year 2021: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

South FirstEnergy Operating Companies
2021 ATRR Open Meeting Notice PDF

2021 PTRR Template: 403a | 403b | 403c | 404d XLS

South Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Informational Filing PDF

Transource Maryland
2021 ATRR for Transource Maryland XLS

Filing Package PDF

2021 PTRR Template: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Transource Pennsylvania
2021 ATRR for Transource Pennsylvania XLS

Filing Package PDF

2021 PTRR Template: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Transource West Virginia
2021 ATRR for Transource West Virginia XLS

Filing Package PDF

2021 PTRR Template: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Virginia Electric & Power Company
2021 Formula Rate Annual Informational FilingZIP

American Electric Power Service Corporation
East Operating Companies: Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement-FERC Informational Filing | Customer Meeting Notice PDF

East Operating Companies - Group A: PDF | Excel ZIP

East Transmission Companies - Group B: PDF | Excel ZIP

Joint Customers First Set of Data Requests and Company Responses to the True-up 2019 Costs Filed in 2020: AEP Responses PDF | Discovery Responses ZIP

Joint Customers Second Set of Data Requests and Company Responses to the True-up of 2019 Costs filed in 2020: AEP Responses PDF | Discovery Responses ZIP

American Transmission Systems, Inc.
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Cover Letter PDF

AMP Transmission, LLC
Data Request Submitted by FirstEnergy: Request PDF | AMPT Response PDF

2019 True Up: PDF PDF | Excel XLS

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement (Revision 1): PDF PDF | Excel XLS

Dayton Power & Light
Settlement 2020: ROE 9.85 | ROE 9.99 XLS

Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. & Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
Annual Update Changes: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Jersey Central Power & Light Company

Actual Transmission Revenue Requirement for Rate Year 2020: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement: Customer Meeting Notice PDF | Filing XLS

Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission, LLC
Open Meeting Notice PDF

Actual Transmission Revenue Requirement for Rate Year 2020: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Cover Letter PDF

Formula Rate Projection: Data XLS | Rate PDF

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Open Meeting Notice PDF

Public Service Electric & Gas Company
Cover Letter PDF

Projected 2020 Transmission Revenue Requirement: Annual Update | Work Paper 1 XLS

Silver Run Electric, LLC
2020 Annual Update: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Formula Rate Projection: Data XLS | Rate PDF

Transource Maryland
2020 ATRR Calculation XLS

Filing Package PDF

Formula Rate Projection: Data XLS | Rate PDF

Transource Pennsylvania
2020 ATRR Calculation XLS

Filing Package PDF

Formula Rate Projection: Data XLS | Rate PDF

Transource West Virginia
2020 ATRR Calculation XLS

Filing Package PDF

Cover Letter PDF

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement Revision: PDFPDF | ExcelXLS

Formula Rate Projection: Data XLS | Rate PDF

Virginia Electric & Power Company
2020 Formula Rate Annual Informational Filing ZIP

American Electric Power Service Corporation
East Operating Companies: Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement-FERC Informational Filing | Customer Meeting Notice PDF

East Operating Companies - Group A: PDF | Excel ZIP

East Transmission Companies - Group B: PDF | Excel ZIP

AEPSC Discovery Responses to Joint Customer, Set 1
Joint Customers Set 1 Data Request Responses PDF

American Transmission Systems, Inc.
Annual Update PDF

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement: Cover Letter | Erratta Cover Letter | Errata Version PDF

AMP Transmission, LLC
Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement XLS

Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission, LLC
Notice of Open MeetingPDF

Annual Update: PDF PDF | Excel XLS

Annual UpdatePDF

Cover Letter PDF

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement: PDF PDF | Excel XLS

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Open Meeting Notice PDF

Cover Letter PDF

Public Service Electric & Gas Company
Cover Letter PDF

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement: Annual Update | Work Paper 1 XLS

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Cover Letter PDF

Transource Maryland
Cover Letter PDF

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement: PDF PDF | Excel XLS

Formula Rate XLS

Transource Pennsylvania
Cover Letter PDF

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement: PDF PDF | Excel XLS

Formula Rate XLS

Transource West Virginia, LLC
Cover Letter PDF

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement: PDF PDF | Excel XLS

Formula Rate XLS

Virginia Electric and Power Company
Revised 2019 Formula Rate Annual Informational Filing ZIP

American Electric Power Service Corporation
One-time Refund Resulting from the Settlement Filed in FERC Docket No. EL17-13 XLS

American Transmission Systems, Inc
Annual Update PDF

Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Duke Energy. Kentucky, Inc.
Annual Update Changes: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Annual Update PDF

Public Service Electric & Gas Company
Annual Update - Revised PDF

Transource Maryland, LLC
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Transource Pennsylvania, LLC
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Transource West Virginia, LLC
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement Revision: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Virginia Electric & Power Company
Revised Formula Rate Annual Informational Filing ZIP

American Electric Power Service Corporation
AEP East Operating Companies - Group A ZIP

American Transmission Systems, Inc.
Cover Letter PDF

Jersey Central Power & Light Company
Annual Meeting Notice 2017 PTRR PDF

Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission, LLC
Annual Meeting Notice 2017 PTRR PDF

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Annual Meeting Notice PDF

Public Service Electric & Gas Company
Meeting Notice - 2017 Formula Rate Annual Update PDF

Attachment: A | B |C | XLS

Virginia Electric & Power Company
2017 Formula Rate Annual Informational Filing ZIP

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Meeting Notice PDF


Public Service Electric & Gas Company
Meeting Notice - 2016 Rate PDF

True Up: Attachment A XLS | Attachment B XLS

Virginia Electric & Power Company
Meeting Notice - 2016 Rate PDF

American Transmission Systems, Inc.
Meeting Notice PDF

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Meeting Notice PDF

Public Service Electric & Gas Company
2015 Rate Annual Update PDF

Virginia Electric & Power Company
Meeting Notice - 2015 Rate PDF

2015 Rate: Cover PagePDF | DataXLS

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Meeting Notice PDF

Public Service Electric & Gas Company
True Up Adjustment for 2011 Rate PDF

2013 Rate PDF

Virginia Electric & Power Company
2013 Rate Informational Filing PDF

2013 Rate PDF

Annual transmission revenue requirements applicable under attachment H and updated annually for the upcoming year on or before May 15 of each year for service on and after June 1 of a given calendar year through May 31 of the subsequent calendar year.

June to May
Atlantic City Electric
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Annual UpdatePDF

Attachment H-1A: 2023 True-upXLS | 2024 PTRRXLS

2023 True Up Supplemental Work Paper: ADIT | AFUDC Equity | Asset RetirementXLS

Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Annual Update LetterPDF

Attachment H-2A: True-upXLS | PTRRXLS

Commonwealth Edison Company and Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana, Inc.
Annual UpdatePDF

True-Up FormulaXLS

ICC Form 21PDF

Attachments: 2 | 4-12 | 13 | 15XLS

Delmarva Power & Light Company
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Annual UpdatePDF

Attachment H-3D: 2023 True-upXLS | 2024 PTRRXLS

2023 True Up Supplemental Work Paper: ADIT | AFUDC Equity | Asset RetirementXLS

Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. & Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
2024 Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Attachments H-22A: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Duquesne Light Company
Annual UpdatePDF

East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
Customer Meeting NoticePDF

2024-2025 Formula Rate: PDFPDF | XLSXLS

True-Up Calculation of 2023 Figures: PDFPDF | XLSXLS

NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic, Inc.
Informational FilingPDF

Formula Rate Actual: XLS XLS | PDFPDF

Formula Rate 2024 Projection: XLS XLS | PDFPDF

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
Annual UpdatePDF

PECO Energy Company
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Potomac Electric Power Company
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Annual UpdatePDF

Attachment H-3D: 2023 True-upXLS | 2024 PTRRXLS

2023 True Up Supplemental Work Paper: ADIT | AFUDC Equity | Asset RetirementXLS

Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company
Annual UpdatePDF

2024 ForecastXLS

UGI Utilities, Inc.
Formula Rate UpdatePDF

UGI Utilities, Inc.
Errata to Informational FilingPDF

Atlantic City Electric
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Annual UpdatePDF

Attachment H-1A: 2022 True-upXLS | 2023 PTRRXLS

2021 True Up Supplemental Work Paper: ADIT | AFUDC Equity | Asset RetirementXLS

Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Annual Update LetterPDF

Attachment H-2A: True-upXLS | PTRRXLS

Commonwealth Edison Company and Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana, Inc.
Annual UpdatePDF

True-Up FormulaXLS

ICC Form 21PDF

Attachments: 2 | 4-12 | 13 | 15XLS

Delmarva Power & Light Company
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Annual UpdatePDF

Attachment H-3D: 2022 True-upXLS | 2023 PTRRXLS

2021 True Up Supplemental Work Paper: ADIT | AFUDC Equity | Asset RetirementXLS

Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. & Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
2023 Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Attachments H-22A: XLS XLS | PDF PDF

Duquesne Light Company
Annual UpdatePDF

East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
Customer Meeting NoticePDF

2023-2024 Formula Rate: PDFPDF | XLSXLS

True-Up Calculation of 2022 Figures: PDFPDF | XLSXLS

NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic Indiana, Inc.
Revised Project Net Revenue Requirements: XLS XLS | PDFPDF

Formula Rate Actual: PDFPDF | XLSXLS

Formula Rate 2023 Projection: PDFPDF | XLSXLS

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
Annual UpdatePDF

Potomac Electric Power Company
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Annual UpdatePDF

Attachment H-9A: 2022 True-upXLS | 2023 PTRRXLS

2021 True Up Supplemental Work Paper: ADIT | AFUDC Equity | Asset RetirementXLS

PECO Energy Company
Annual Meeting NoticePDF


Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company
Formula Rate Update 2023 Informational FilingPDF

2023 ForecastXLS

UGI Utilities, Inc.
Formula Rate UpdatePDF

Atlantic City Electric
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Annual UpdatePDF

Attachment H-1A: 2021 True-upXLS | 2022 PTRRXLS

2021 True Up Supplemental Work Paper: ADIT | AFUDC Equity | Asset RetirementXLS

Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Annual Update LetterPDF

Attachment H-2A: True-upXLS | PTRRXLS

Commonwealth Edison Company and Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana, Inc.
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Attachment 1XLS

Delmarva Power & Light Company
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Annual UpdatePDF

Attachment H-3D: 2021 True-upXLS | 2022 PTRRXLS

2021 True Up: ADIT | AFUDC Equity | Asset RetirementXLS

Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. & Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
2022 DEO-DEK Transmission Rate Update Filing LetterPDF

Attachment H-22A: PDFPDF | XLSXLS

Duquesne Light Company
2022 FERC Formula Rate Informational FilingPDF

East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
Filing to Revise Depreciation RatesPDF

2022-2023 Formula Rate: PDFPDF | XLSXLS

True Up Calculation of 2021 Figures: PDFPDF | XLSXLS

NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic Indiana, Inc.
Actual Net Revenue & Annual True-Up Meeting NoticePDF

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
Transmission Formula Rate Annual UpdatePDF

Populated Project Net Revenue Requirement: Appendix 1A - NITS | Appendix 1B - MDTACXLS

2021 True-Up Adj Calculation: Appendix 2A - NITS | Appendix 2B - MDTACXLS

Potomac Electric Power Company
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Annual UpdatePDF

Attachment H-9A: 2021 True-upXLS | 2022 PTRRXLS

2021 True Up: ADIT | AFUDC Equity | Asset RetirementXLS

PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Exhibit 1: PDFPDF | XLSXLS

Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company
2022 Information FilingPDF

2022 Forecast XLS

UGI Utilities, Inc.
2022 Formula Rate Transmittal LetterPDF

Atlantic City Electric
Annual Meeting NoticePDF

Annual UpdatePDF

Supplemental Work Paper: ADITPDF | AFUDCPDF

Attachment H-1A: PTRR XLS | True-Up XLS

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
Annual Meeting Notice PDF

Revenue Requirement: Attachment H-2A PTRR XLS | Attachment H-2A True-Up XLS

Commonwealth Edison Company and Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana, Inc.
Receipt of Filing with FERC (ER09-1145-000) PDF

Delmarva Power & Light Company
Annual Meeting Notice PDF

Annual Update PDF

Supplemental Work Paper: ADIT PDF | AFUDC PDF

Attachment H-3D: PTRR XLS | True-Up XLS

Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. & Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
Annual Meeting Notice PDF

Duquesne Light Company
Informational Filing PDF

Settled Formula 2021 Calculations: Estimated  | True-Up XLS

East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

2021-2022 Formula Rate: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

True-Up Calculation of 2020 Figures: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

NextEra Energy Transmission MidAtlantic Indiana, Inc.
Notice of Meeting for Interested Parties PDF

2020 Formula Rate Actual - November 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

2022 Formula Rate Projection: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

2021 Formula Rate Actual - January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
2021 Formula Rate Update: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Potomac Electric Power Company
Annual Meeting Notice PDF

Annual Update PDF

Supplemental Work Paper: ADIT PDF | AFUDC PDF

Attachment H-9A: PTRR XLS | True-Up XLS

PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
NITS & TEC ROE Refunds - Effective 1.1.2022 XLS

Exhibit 1-C2: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company
Annual Update PDF

Accounting XLS

Forecast XLS

Reconciliation XLS

UGI Utilities, Inc.
2021 Formula Rate Transmittal Letter PDF

Atlantic City Electric
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Annual Update PDF

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Annual Update PDF

City of Rochelle
Customer Meeting Notice PDF


Commonwealth Edison
Filing Package PDF

Delmarva Power & Light Company
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Annual Update PDF

Duke Energy Ohio & Kentucky, Inc.
Annual Update Changes: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Annual Update ZIP

Duquesne Light Company
Annual Informational Filing PDF

Settled Formula Calculation: Estimate | True-Up XLS

East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
Meeting Notice PDF

Formula Rate: Data XLS | Rate PDF

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
Annual Update Work Papers xls

Formula Rate: Data XLS | Rate PDF

PECO Electric Company
Preliminary Challenges PDF

Appendices: 1A | 1B | 2A | 2B | 2C | 2D | 3 - Additional Work Papers XLS

True Up PDF

Appendices: 1A | 1B | 2A | 2B | 2C | 2D | 3 - Additional Work Papers XLS

Potomac Electric Power Company
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Annual Update PDF

PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
Meeting Notice PDF

2020 Formula Rate: Data XLS | Rate PDF

Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company
Annual Update PDF


Forecast XLS

Reconciliation XLS

UGI Utilities, Inc.
Formula Rate Transmission Letter PDF

AEP East Operating Company
2018-9 Attachment 1 PDF

Atlantic City Electric Company
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Annual Update PDF

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

City of Rochelle
Customer Meeting Notice PDF


Commonwealth Edison
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Filing Package PDF

Delmarva Power & Light Company
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Annual Update PDF

Duke Energy Ohio & Kentucky, Inc.
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Filing Package ZIP

Duquesne Light Company
Formula Rate Update PDF

2019 Settled Formula: Estimate Calculations XLS | True-Up Calculations XLS

East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

2019-2020 Formula Rate: Data XLS | Rate PDF

2018 True-Up Calculation: Data XLS | Figures PDF

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
Annual Update PDF

PECO Electric Company
Filing Notice PDF


True-Up Letter PDF

Potomac Electric Power Company
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Annual Update PDF

PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
Formula Rate PDF

Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company
Formula Rate Informational Filing PDF

2019 Forecast XLS

UGI Utilities, Inc.
Transmission Revenue Requirement PDF

American Electric Power Service Corporation
East Operating Companies - Group A ZIP

Appalachian Power Company
Annual Update ZIP

American Electric Power
AEPSC Discovery Responses: Set 1 PDF | Set 2 PDF

Atlantic City Electric Company
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

2018-2019 Formula Rate: Data XLS | Rate PDF

Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Filing XLS

City of Rochelle
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Commonwealth Edison
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Delmarva Power & Light Company
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

2018-2019 Formula Rate: Data XLS | Rate PDF

Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., & Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Duquesne Light Company
Informational Filing PDF

Settled Formula 2018 Calculations: Estimated  | True-Up XLS

East Kentucky Power Cooperative
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

2018-2019 Formula Rate: Data XLS | Rate PDF

2017 True Up Calculation: Data XLS | Figures PDF

Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission, LLC
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
2018-2019 Formula Rate: Data XLS | Rate PDF

PECO Energy Company
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Potomac Electric Power Company
2018-2019 Formula Rate: Data XLS | Rate PDF

PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
Customer Meeting Notice PDF

Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company
Informational Filing PDF

Forecast XLS

UGI Utilities
Informational Filing PDF

American Electric Power Service Corporation
2016 AEP East Operating Companies - Group A: PDF | XLS ZIP

2016 AEP East Operating Companies - Group B: PDF | XLS ZIP

American Transmission Systems, Incorporated
Meeting Notice PDF

Atlantic City Electric Company
Annual Meeting Notice PDF

2017 Formula Rate: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Annual Meeting Notice PDF

City of Rochelle
Annual Update PDF



Commonwealth Edison Company
Annual Meeting Notice PDF

Delmarva Power & Light Company
Annual Meeting Notice PDF

2017 Formula Rate:  PDF | XLS XLS

Duke Energy Ohio Inc. & Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
Rate Formula Update PDF

Duquesne Light Co.
2017 Annual Update Letter PDF

East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
Annual Meeting Notice PDF

2017-2018 Formula Rate: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

True Up Calculation of 2016 Figures: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
2017 Formula Rate Update PDF

May 2017 Rate XLS

PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
2017 Meeting Notice PDF

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Meeting Notice PDF

Potomac Electric Power Company
Annual Meeting Notice PDF

2017 Formula Rate: PDF PDF | XLS XLS

Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company
Formula Rate Informational Filing PDF

2017 Forecast ZIP

UGI Utilities, Inc.
2017 Annual Update Letter & Formula Rate PDF

American Transmission Systems Incorporated
Meeting Notice PDF

Appalachian Power Company (APCO)
Schedule 8.1 - Appendix 2 PDF

2015 Capacity Formula Update: Figures PDF | Data XLS

FRR 2015 Formula Update Work Papers: Figures PDF | Data XLS

Atlantic City Electric Company
2016 Rate PDF | Data XLS

Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
2016 Rate XLS

City of Rochelle
2016 Annual Meeting Notice PDF

Commonwealth Edison Company
2016 Rate PDF

Delmarva Power & Light Company
2016 Rate PDF | Data XLS

Duke Energy Ohio Inc. & Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
2016 Rate XLS

Duquesne Light Co.
2016 Rate PDF

East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
2016-2017 Forward Looking Rate: Data XLS | Rate XLS

True Up Calculation of 2015 Figures: Data XLS | Figures PDF

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
2016 Rate XLS

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC
Meeting Notice PDF

Potomac Electric Power Company
2016 Rate PDF | Data XLS

PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
2016 Rate XLS

Rochelle Municipal Utilities (RMU)
2016 Rate XLS

Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company
2016 Rate PDF

UGI Utilities, Inc.
2016 Rate PDF

Atlantic City Electric Company
2015 Rate PDF

Rate XLS

Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Attachment H-2A XLS

Commonwealth Edison
Meeting Notice PDF

Data XLS

Delmarva Power & Light
2015 Rate PDF

Data XLS

Duke Energy Ohio Inc. & Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
Meeting Notice PDF

2015 Rate PDF

Data XLS

East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
2015-2016 Forward Looking Rate - Data XLS

2015-2016 PDF

True Up Calculation of 2014 Figures: Data XLS | Figures PDF

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
Rate PDF

Data XLS

Potomac Electric Power Company
2015 Rate XLS

Data XLS

PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
2015 Rate PDF

Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company
Informational Filing of 2015 Formula Rate Annual Update PDF

UGI Utilities Inc.
2015 Formula Rate PDF

Atlantic City Electric Company
2014 Update PDF

American Transmission Systems, Incorporated
2014 Transmission Formula Rate Annual Update PDF

Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Estimate & True-up Worksheet XLS

Commonwealth Edison
Meeting Notice PDF

Data XLS

Duke Energy Ohio Inc. & Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.
Rate PDF

Data XLS

East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
Public Notice Customer Meeting PDF

Data XLS

Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
Attachment H-3F PDF

Potomac Electric Power Company
Informational Filing of 2014 Formula Rate Annual Update PDF

PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
2014 Rate PDF

Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company
Attachment H-18A XLS

UGI Utilities Inc.
2014 Rate PDF

AEP East Operating Companies & AEP Transmission Companies

July to June